Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby Blabber

Babies seem to be all the trend and rage lately. I swear I know at like 50 people who are either pregnant, have a baby, love babies, or have multiple! I'm 23 going on 24 in December and I am definitely not a mother yet. Babies and children freak me out and I've always been turned off by them. I think partly because I am an only child and no one came after me. I do have younger cousins but that doesn't count. After my trip to Walmart today where I heard a child screaming their head off and the mom just simply pushing them in the cart I began to come up with a list of why I may never have kids.

  1. Pregnancy-Women's bodies go through pure and absolute hell when pregnant. Between feet swelling, stomach expanding to ungodly lengths, morning sickness, and the list goes on. Just thinking of putting my body through that freaks me out.
  2. Birth-I've watched numerous birth and labor shows/movies and OH MY GOD! That is absolutely terrifying. I hate needles and the thought of getting shots and needles monthly makes me want to pass out. People have told me it's beautiful and awesome but I haven't been able to see that yet.
  3. Sleep-I enjoy sleep. If I don't have it I get grumpy and it ruins my whole day. Babies tend to mess up the sleeping patterns
  4. Expensive-I can barely afford to feed myself sometimes let alone another mouth. When they are really young they just eat and poop, eat and poop! I want to enjoy being able to spend money on myself and the things I desire.
  5. Attitudes-When they are able to speak till are young adults, an attitude is not something I'd like to put up with. Between the screaming temper tantrums, crying over nothing, and then mood swings I would not be able to keep up. I'm pretty sure I'd never take my child in public because of the meltdowns that can occur.
  6. School-Two things can occur in school, bullies and the bullier. I do not want my child to be the bullier, slut, douchebag, or asshole. I also do not want my child to be picked on because he is not these things. I'll be damned if someone were to make fun of or attack my child for being different. Double edged sword I suppose.
These are just my reasons for not having a child at my age. I am too selfish and busy to even think about birthing a another human. My maternal instincts come out around puppies. I love them and have always wanted dogs over children. In my hometown my parents get asked daily if I have a child. It is scary to me that it is almost the norm to have a child at this age. I feel as though I have so much living to do before taking on that role. To those who do have children and/or love children, I commend you and am glad there are people like you out there because you make up for the people like me :)

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