Monday, February 28, 2011

All Dogs Go To Heaven

February has been quite the month for me. Between missing over a week of school due to snowapocalypse, dealing with new things at my job, and then school coming back and getting stupid busy. Needless to say I have been stressed out. Well all of these things paled in comparison to what was about to happen. Friday morning my dad called me at 6:45am to tell me he found my dog (she lived with my parents as I'm in college) had passed away. The best way to describe that feeling was like being punched in the stomach. To add salt to the wound I haven't seen her since September of last year. Between work and school I just didn't have the time to go home. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a HUGE dog lover. I feel more pain for a whimpering dog than a crying baby. Call me heartless if you wish but it's always been that way. I have never been able to watch a dog movie without bawling like a baby. I almost cried my freshman year of high school when I had to read out loud Where the Red Fern Grows, I've never seen Old Yeller, The Fox and the Hound makes me cry, Shiloh (don't even get me started). I tried to test myself and see if I could make it through a dog movie without crying. I watched Hotel for Dogs and I failed miserably. I had crocodile tears and Robert said why on earth did you watch this? I was hoping for an all around happy movie, but that was not the case. The ending was happy but the parts in between were not. I digress.. as I looked back at pictures of my dog all this weekend I realized how much she had been there with me for. She was 10 years old and I remember when we went to get her. We drove to the house and she was the little white runt who was running around with a pug (my other dream dog whom I will have this summer) and I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms. So of course she came home with us and it all started there. She was a white boxer which very few had seen before and although she was 90 pounds, she was a lap dog. She was there when I was sick, through my breakups, my grandmother's passing, and just when I had a bad day at school. I remember teaching her how to lay while eating cheetos, how she would drink beer, beg for my chocolate, and attempt to sleep with me. She would slobber all over and just go nuts whenever anyone would come over. I remember driving home from college and she'd bolt out the door to greet me. Then when I would leave I would have her white dog hairs all over my stuff for weeks.  In my head I know she's not there but I know my heart will break when I do go home next and she's not there to meet me. I hope the movie All Dogs Go To Heaven title is true because let's be honest..I've never seen the movie because it is a dog movie.

This is my dog
Noel Belle
April 2001-February 25, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Race Weekend

The real story of a triathlete/runner and his supporter. If you've ever been curious how I spend a few weekends from the months of February to October here ya go!

Race Weekend
For those who are unfamiliar with the sports of triathlons and marathons here are a few key phrases I will use and so you can have a knowledge of what I'm talking about
5K-3 mile race
10K- 6 mile race
Half Marathon-13.1 mile
Full Marathon-26.2 mile
Triathlon-Swim, Bike, Run (The distances vary by type)
Full Ironman- Swim -2 Miles  Bike-112 miles  Run-26.2 miles (Yes all in one day)

Prior to the race
So now that we have some basic knowledge here we go. Now race weekend is just the culmination of many hours and days of training. Depending on the length of the race the training can vary. If you are a person who must spend every moment with your significant other then I suggest either not date a triathlete or train with them! I digress, races are usually on Sunday mornings. So on Fridays the preparation begins. Packet pick for the races is usually at some point during the week and then if the race is a Half or Full marathon and above sometimes there is a convention held if the race is big enough. After the packet has been picked up we move into Saturday which can be a stressful day if not prepared for adequately. Robert is usually a nervous, stressed out wreck the day prior to a race. He is getting everything together and is pacing back and forth. Part of being a supporter is adhering to their diet (this part truly sucks, say good bye to french fries :( ) so the final meal before a race is pasta in Robert's case. 

Morning of Race
Since the races usually begin between 6am-8am bed time is on average at 10pm on a Saturday night. I tend to sleep like a rock the night before races whereas Robert doesn't sleep much. As I said depending on the race this will determine what time the dreaded alarm goes off. The earliest we have gotten up for a race was for a full marathon and that was 4am. Robert gets up the second the alarm goes off and proceeds to putting on the spandex while I lay in bed till the last possible second. Finally I'll roll out of bed and get my item: the backpack. After we have gotten everything, we have the car ride to the race site. The car ride is often silent consisting of a few questions like: "Are you excited? Do you think you'll do really well? I wonder if you'll get a good picture"  .

Arriving on site of the race
Once arriving to the site two things can happen. If it is a triathlon we must go to the transition area for body markings and setting up and for just a marathon we have to go to our proper cattle call gate area and stretch. I say we because I am involved in this. I do not participate in the race but I do all of the things until this point. Now, Robert is at the location and everything is marked and set up we walk around for the remaining 30 minutes that is inevitably available because we get there early. At this point you may ask a few more questions or discuss certain people at the location but nothing more. After the 30 minutes pass, I go with Robert to the starting line and give him a good luck hug and kiss. This is the last time I see him until the finish (unless it's a triathlon I can sometimes be at the transition area)

During the race
To best sum up what happens during the race is by a bulleted list of things I tend to do while waiting.
  • Stand around and stare at things
  • Check facebook
  • Have the phone call with Robert's mom about my location and where I'll be upon her arrival
  • Look for the finish line
  • Pet dogs that are usually there
  • Check facebook again
  • Walk around
  • Stand at the finish line at a time Robert won't finish
  • Play on my phone
  • Locate caffeine
  • Recently to the local races Robert's friends show up to support so I can talk to them
  • Then finally check my watch to see if it's close to finish line time
Finish Line
 Sounds easy right, just stand and find him. WRONG! Finish lines are ridiculous. By this time I am tired because I've been up early as well and from my list of things above I get bored. The fun begins because you play Where's Waldo the real game. Robert is of course wearing the most popular color and he ends up looking like everyone racing. Then at that beautiful moment I see him in the distance and then I grab my camera and attempt to take the all important photograph. There is usually lots of screaming and cheering for Robert as I am excited he completed another race

After Race
The athletes get their free food and drink and then I finally get to see Robert after all the waiting. We take pictures he usually says one of the two things: "Man I think I did really awesome because of blah blah blah or "Man this one thing really messed with me I don't think I did so awesome. Finally we get all of our things and return to the car and go home. Then he showers and we take what we call the race day nap. It is beyond glorious and is always the best part of race days

So as you see this is the raw and uncut truth about being a supporter. I do enjoy it because I know it means something to him that while he's running, he knows someone will be at the end of the finish line holding his backpack full of stuff, with a camera, a tired face, but still smiling and cheering for him. I know it would make all the difference for me. So if you know a runner, triathlete or any athlete for that matter, go support them. Cheer for them, get up early for them, get them water, because I promise it'll mean more to them than you'll ever know.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Yes it is one day late, but I was spending the day with my valentine and thinking of what to say :) Now as I should be having ideas of rhetoric, citizenship, and be memorizing my performance I am blogging. Oh well it's college right?

 Anyways, so each day in my classes my teacher has a "question of the day". Today was what did you do for valentine's day? I was amazed at how many people said they didn't celebrate it and that it was a "capitalistic" holiday. Then of course my facebook newsfeed was flooded with pictures of flowers, "I hate Valentine's Day", and numerous others things. I've had my shares of Valentine's Day's both single and in relationships and I've never "hated" the day. Maybe because most of my family decided to all be born in February so I could never really hate the month. I digress, so I'm sure some think I have the super romantic valentine's days full of diamonds and flowers..blah blah. Well I don't and I'm really glad to not. While those things are sweet and cute to me they seem to easy. Anyone can watch a romantic movie and do those things or go online and pick out flowers, I like it to be different. So how did I celebrate my Valentine's Day you ask? Well to let you all in on more about my relationship with Robert (Triathlete) I will review how we've spent our Valentine's Days together.

V-Day #1
    This was our first one together and it was full of surprises to say the least! It started out as being in Grand Prairie outside but then was moved inside due to cold weather, then the time changed. I of course was wracking my brain trying to figure out what the hell he was planning. Back story::We had been "together" just under a month and we both worked until 10 and 11pm. I had 8am classes that semester so of course we'd hang out from 12am-4am. I was just excited to go on a "date, date" with him:: Anyways he shows up to my apartment with chocolate covered strawberries and a card that would set the precedent for card giving in our relationship. He got me a glittery barbie princess card (because he said it was one of the few left, he's really awesome I promise!) So then we get in the car and he drives half way to our destination and blindfolds me. Talk about being scary when you are in the car with someone you've known a month and you are blindfolded! So we arrive and turns out the date was at Medieval Times! He got the Royal Treatment Package, and we got our picture taken with one of the knights, and got second row seats! Between eating with my hands, laughing at the high schoolers that were on the other side of us, the light up roses (which I still have as well as my crown) and the knight throwing me a flower it was one of the best Valentine's dates I'd ever been on.

V-Day # 2
    This one was even more special for us! We had both been working ALOT and had not seen each other all that much so when I found out I got Valentine's Day off we jumped on it! We went to lunch at Olive Garden and then went to the Galleria! I'm pretty sure neither of us bought anything and we watched the ice skaters and went into all of the weird stores. We went into a Tiffany's just to see what it was like and to those who have never been it felt like a funeral home. They take you in rooms with couches and tables and then proceed to help you plan. Needless to say we didn't really fit in with the crowd there that day. We went back to his place where we then made chocolate covered strawberries and Robert tried making designs on them but ended up flinging the chocolate everywhere. The next part I can't make up, we went to Blockbuster and found the most awful horror movies and came to his place and watched them. This made our tradition of going to a "big place" and watching terrible horror films.

V-Day #3
    This Valentine's Day we finally had normal schedules and it had snowed the days leading up to Valentine's Day so we had a blast. Once the day came Robert was really wanting a new TV stand and coffee table. So where do two goobers go? We went to IKEA for the first time for each of us. This place was ridiculous!! We walked around in amazement looking at all of the room set ups and furniture. It was so much fun!! After our adventure, Robert ended up making us dinner and we watched more terrible horror movies while dining on chocolate covered strawberries. It was another perfect Tori and Robert Valentine's Day.

V-Day #4! The one you've been waiting for!
    Our most recent Valentine's Day was along the same lines as #2 and #3. It took us awhile to figure out what to do and especially since our anniversary is in January and our birthday's are in December we do our fair share of things. We agreed that he'd cook dinner for us and we'd find a horror movie on Netflix. Well Saturday we went to our new place which was California Pizza Kitchen where we had the most amazing pizza and while we were talking we realized how long it'd be since we went out on a "real" date. Our lives are so busy with school and work for me; while he has training and work and trying to get a house up for sale. Halfway through dinner we decided to see a movie and we had a blast. The next night he cooked me dinner while we just watched the Grammy's together. Now for the showstopper! Yesterday, he banished me to his room while he worked to prepare his gift. After 2 hours of waiting, he finally brings me outside where he bought a fire pit (his brother was fanning the fire trying to keep it going) with all the ingredients for smores. I was so touched he took the time to put all this together and recruit his brother! Now in typical Robert and Tori fashion the wood he purchased was awful and would not catch fire. He was beyond frustrated and upset his attempt to be romantic wasn't going as planned. At that moment I realized he could have just made me a smores in microwave and light a candle and I would have been just as satisfied. It was then I told him, everyday is Valentine's Day with you and I don't care what you do. We have all the time to use this pit and make smores! Just because it's Valentine's Day doesn't mean anything. He smiled and hugged me and we made a last attempt to make a smores.

The moral of my Valentine's post is to appreciate the little things. Each of my Valentine's days had something special about them and it wasn't the gifts or what we did, it was the fact Robert chose me and all he wanted to do was make me feel special. Little does he know he does that all the time :) I hope those who said they hated Valentine's Day this year will find something or someone that makes them feel the way Robert makes me feel everyday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Men of the Past

Everyone has them. That one guy who has shaped the way you see ALL relationships and that ALL guys are the same way THAT one guy is. The more and more I talk to my roommate about his relationship issues (he could seriously have a TV show) it makes me think about the men of my past. The ones who were there for me during the hardest times of my life. I have three who were there at completely different times in my life who have all shaped the way I view relationships still to this day. If you know me these stories will probably ring a bell and if you don't well then you get to learn a little bit more about me and the men of my past.

Man #1. 
   If I learned anything from this one, it was how to juggle boyfriends and guy friends. I met this one my freshman year of high school and of course it was rocky from the start. He liked me, I liked another guy yet me being stubborn still wanted to maintain the friendship. I learned very quickly this doesn't work so well when your boyfriend hates the friend. Man #1 is important for many reasons and the number 1 for #1 is he was there during the absolute lowest point of my life. To those who don't know me I lost my grandmother in 2003, and this guy was there for me from the moment I found out till the moment I was laughing at stories about her. He showed me what it meant to be there for someone. No matter the situation, it is important to always be there and show them you care. Even after all the drama of high school we remained friends despite numerous fights and battles. What happened to Man #1 you ask? Well we had a falling out, I apologized and he said he'd forgiven me and I told him thank you for all he did for me back then. I hope one day Man #1 and I will become friends again.

Man #2
    What I learned from Man #2 is to seize the moment. If you love someone, tell them because it may be too late. Man #2 and I also met freshman year and I was dating his good friend. Naturally we became really good friends and of course if there were relationship problems we'd talk. He'd often come over and we'd go bowling together even after the relationship with his friend fizzled out. We became really close as he dated a few of my friends and we became closer. Well I ended up meeting someone and we started dating as Man #2 and I started to kind of drift. My relationship ended a few months before moving to college. Man #2 of course was there and would take me bowling and to movies to keep me occupied. Here's where the seize the moment comes in to play. Two days before I was to move to college Man #2 took me to dinner as a "goodbye". He brings me home and as I get out of the car, he stops me. He begins to mutter something and then stops. I again proceed to walk away and this time he says, "Tori, I need to tell you something, I've liked you since freshman year, and I've wanted to give it a shot with you. I hope it's not too late". I said "I am moving in 2 days, how can you drop a bomb on me like this?" I couldn't believe it, it was the perfect scene from a movie. The kind where you hope for a happy ending. Man #2 said he wanted to take me on a date when I came home from college and I agreed. So what happened to Man #2? Well, we never went on the date. In fact, I got back with my ex-boyfriend and he kind of disappeared. However, there is a happy ending! Man #2 just recently got married and now has a daughter. I couldn't be happier for him and I thank you Man #2 for everything and teaching me to seize the moment.

Man #3
    Man #3 I believe taught me the most. He taught me don't be afraid of trying something new. He also taught me to take a chance and how to be myself again. I guess you could say Man #3 and myself were kind of star-crossed lovers in a way. He knew my boyfriend from the Man #1 story..(told you I lived in a small town). Also his dad was my favorite teacher ever! I digress...Man #3 and I met at a church camp 3 months before I moved to college. My boyfriend at the time and I were on a "break" and I went away for a week where I met Man #3. He made it known he liked me. I just thought we were good friends after all I was still on a "break". Over the week I told him about my situation and we still became close. He would always come to my work site, play games with my group, and we'd just talk. It turned out he ended up being my teachers son and he lived about 20 minutes away. Well of course after I get home my "break" turned into a break-up. I was devastated and who do I call? If you guessed Man #3 you win! I called him and he talked to me till about 3 that morning. From that point on, we'd text from 7am to 4pm when we'd get off work and then we'd go to dinner or a movie. He was the guy who did everything he could to make sure I was happy. He even cut his hair for me...(he had really long hair!). As the summer progressed, he began to profess his feelings for me. I was scared out of my mind. I had just been dumped after almost a year and half. I was about to move to college and here is this guy willingly to do anything. He was going to school in Austin and I in Dallas. He promised me it could work and that he would come see me. I was just so scared to be hurt again and the fact I was moving to a new town was terrifying in and of itself. I moved to college and he came to pick me up and take me to Austin. We hung out and had a great weekend and I could tell he wanted more and I just couldn't do it. So what happened to Man #3? Well after that weekend, I ended up back with my ex. (Horrible choice..) After that weekend, he stopped responding to calls and texts. I haven't spoken to Man #3 in about 4-5 years. I think this is the one that still affects me to this day. I gained an awesome friend through a horrible experience and due to my fears I lost him. I would not have made it through that summer without him. I know I can never fix what I did but I really hope Man #3 is doing well. If I could tell him anything at this moment it would be: Thank you for all you did for me. I am sorry we couldn't be what you wanted us to be. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about how awesome you were to me. I really hope one day we'll talk and be friends again.

Now even though I think about these men often and the way they helped me through various points in my life I know I wouldn't be where I am today without them. Each of them have made me appreciate the relationship I have now. I learned to find a man who appreciates the fact you have guy friends. I learned to seize the moment and not to wait to tell my man I love him. I learned to not let the past affect what's in front of you and to take a chance on something new and different. I love my triathlete more than words could ever express, he's everything I could have hoped for. However, because of the men of my past I have learned to appreciate my triathlete and not take him for granite.

So I guess you could say the men of my past have had a positive affect on how I view relationships. To the Men of the Past, I thank you and wish you nothing but the best and I hope to one day become friends again. Each of you helped me get to where I am today and for that I am forever grateful.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Why Not?

Many of my friends have blogs. Some of which I will read religiously and others may have them I just do not know about them. Due to recurring dreams and random thoughts in my head, I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and see if I can for once keep up with "journaling" if you will. Whether people read this or not will be interesting but it will be a nice way for me to get thoughts out.

Now a little about me. I no doubt hate this question because I can never think of things to say. Since I am a communication major in all of my classes we always do "ice breakers" so here's my attempt.

  1. I am a Capricorn through and through, often pessimistic and ambitious.
  2. My favorite color is green
  3. I am dating a triathlete, whom I will blog about a lot.
  4. I graduate from college in August and quite frankly I am terrified.
  5. Reality TV junkie
  6. Pugs are my favorite dog and soon I will have one. (Of course I will blog about him)
  7. I'm from a small town...a very...very..small town
  8. Mexican food and chocolate are my favorite
  9. My grandmother is the most influential person in my life to this day
  10. Most of my friends are guys and pretty sure that is not going to change anytime soon
  11. I don't get dressed up unless absolutely necessary
  12. I have a very perverted mind and it's terrible..
  13. I love shoes!
  14. I never wash my jeans except like once a year
  15. I would like to move out of Texas one day
 That's a little about me. I don't want to give too much away as I hope to continue this and let you all in on more about me. Wish me luck! :)
